Strive & small business

Increase your bottom line by offering your employees a direct primary care membership to keep your employees happy, healthy, and productive. Having a flexible and responsive “company doctor” sounds pretty cool because it is pretty cool. Set yourself apart from your competitors by attracting (and retaining) the highest level of talent. Let us take the headache of healthcare off your plate. Check out the video below to see how you can take your business to the next level.

A study published in Seattle comparing traditional insurance-based primary care and direct primary care (DPC). In addition to a higher retention rate with happier and healthier employees with DPC memberships, the study showed:

  • 53% decrease in ER visits
  • 16% decrease in in-patient hospital days
  • 58% decrease in higher-cost specialist visits
  • 66% decrease in advanced radiology/imaging
  • 77% decrease in surgeries

The ultimate exchange financially was $2000 per employee per year in health care savings!